Monday, May 6, 2024

Jennifer Aniston felt better after she hits 40's

Jennifer Aniston felt better after she hits 40's (2016).

She tells, "I feel better in my 40s. Not only do you feel better in your body physically, but you're mentally better. Because, say, in your 20s, you didn't know shit. For me, in my 30s I was just trying to figure it all out. Then when you hit 40, you're like, 'Oh, okay. I got this.' ".

"There are women who've hit 50 who are stunners, like shocking. We just take better care of ourselves." She sighs, though, when she recounts a recent experience. "I had somebody say to me, 'Women these days in their 40s look pretty good!' " She shakes her head. "And this was a much older person. I mean, who says that?"

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