Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Jennifer Aniston stole a black lace dress from Friends character Monica's closet

 Jennifer Aniston stole a black lace dress from Friends character Monica's closet.  

During an interview, Aniston admitted, she stole a dress from the set, "A dress that Monica wore that I went into her line of clothes, and I pulled it out, and I still have it and wear it to this day."

Aniston wore on June 11 2022 and posted on Instagram. In the photo, she posed with her hairstylist Chris McMillan.

Monday, July 24, 2023

One artist shows what celebrities would look like if they didn't maintain their looks

One artist shows what celebrities would look like if they didn't maintain their looks.

With money, celebrities can have the best makeup artists and cosmetic surgery and best body. Jennnifer Aniston would look like this if she didn't continue her workout.

The artist, named Danny said, "I created the Planet Hiltron series in 2006. At that time, Paris Hilton's mug was all over the place. It was inescapable - magazines, television, the internet, everywhere".

'So, I started a Myspace page satirizing her overexposure. At first I only focused on Paris, putting her face on any random image: Paris as Einstein, Paris as Ginger Rogers, Paris as a canary.'

He told the MailOnline, "Basically just stripping away their cool personas I always find it interesting to see what's left after the Hollywood has been scrubbed off". 

"My intention wasn't necessarily to age them, but to strip them of their 'Hollywood' facade. That has more or less been my general goal with this series all along".

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox didn't like working with Jean-Claude Van Damme

Jean-Claude Van Damme was guest star in one of Friends episode, with title 'The One After the Superbowl: Part 2'. 

Courteney and  Jennifer Aniston's character were trying to get his attention. Both of them have kissing scenes with Jean-Claude Van Damme but never made it on air. 

Michael Lembeck explained, ‘We shoot him and Jennifer first. Then she walks over to me and says, “Lem, Lem, would you do me a favour and ask him not to put his tongue in my mouth when he’s kissing me?”

‘I tell him everything is great but it’s a tight shot so maybe let’s not do that.’

‘Then we’re shooting a scene later with Courteney. Here comes Courtney walking toward me and saying, “Lem, can you please tell him not to put his tongue in my mouth?” I couldn’t believe it. I had to tell him again, but a little firmer.’

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Jennifer Aniston was slammed by ex boyfriends's wife for saying "He would have been "the one"

Jennifer Aniston's ex boyfriend Daniel McDonald died in 2007 from brain cancer. Aniston dated him for five years.

In an interview with the New York Times in 2015, she said, “He would have been the one. But I was 25, and I was stupid. He must have sent me Justin [Theroux, her then-fiancĂ©] to make up for it all.”

Daniel's wife slammed Aniston, saying, "I am sorry that Jennifer did not realize the treasure that was Daniel when she had the chance, long before he and I met and long before he died".

She continues, “It pains me to read the headlines that allude to her losing him tragically when, in fact, she was not present during his long and difficult illness.”

Friday, July 21, 2023

Jennifer Aniston had a strict diet when she acted as stripper in We're the Millers

Jennifer Aniston had a strict diet when she acted as stripper in We're the Millers. She wants to make sure that she maintained a good shape.

She explained on her diet, "I was on a very like, you know, greens and vegetables and lean proteins and kale".

"When I really wanted to have a cheat day. I had to have a kale chip."

On what she wore during filming, she told told Access Hollywood, "I had no taping. I really just doubled my bras. I had a ,thong and then two pairs of underwear". 

"Why I thought that was going to help protect anything is beyond me. Because, that's just like ridiculous . . . I was like, 'No, I need three bras! I need three bras because God forbid that one, if it's gonna escape!'"

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Jennifer Aniston was upset with We're the Millers co-star Emma Roberts

Jennifer Aniston was upset with We're the Millers co-star Emma Roberts's behaviour. Emma was arrested for domestic violence in Montreal after a fight with her boyfriend Evan Peters.

A source said, "Jen totally disapproves of Emma's hard partying and public blowups. She has even told Emma that unless she shapes up, she may not be invited back for a possible Millers sequel".

"Jen's known Emma since she was 12. It is sad because Jen's been backing her career all the way. Jen's an old pro, and the crazy headlines about Emma and her diva behaviour just don't sit well with her".

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Jennifer Aniston wanted to be a Bond girl

When Jennifer Aniston turned 40 years old (2009), she revealed that she wanted to be a Bond girl.

She told Elle magazine: 'I get offered funny, quirky, pretty roles. I'd love to do an action movie. James Bond. Glamour. Daniel Craig. S**t-loads of fun.'

Eventhough that time she has turned 40, she feels better than ever. She said,  'I'm at ease - and not just with my age. Really, I'm at peace. I've never felt this good about myself before. I think that shines through.'

Jennifer Aniston and other cast members had a crush on this actor

 Jennifer Aniston and other "The Morning Show" cast members had a crush on this actor. Aniston was asked by guest co-host Vanessa...