Believe or not, Jennifer Aniston has a cooler box in her car. She likes protein bar but doesn't like when it melts by the time she wants to eat it.
She told E!News, “Right before my workout, I'll have a little bit of a bar, then a little bit after and I'm totally satiated until I get to lunch".
“If I'm driving around all day, it's usually much cooler in the car and I'll have it on my way home so I'm not so starving that I just eat, like, crap or eat too much.”
“The cooler happened because I've learned my lesson".
“Living as we live in California, you go to get your bar and you open the package and it's just like a melted Easter [egg] gone bad disaster.”
“I'm a bar person, I love a protein bar. It's great to have something you can grab and throw in your bag and just have it for the day.”