Friday, October 14, 2011

Jennifer Aniston and beau Justin went to party at Primehouse New York

Jennifer Aniston and beau Justin went to party at Primehouse New York. They sat in a banquette with Andy Samberg and girlfriend Joanna Newsom.

One witness said, ,"They were very affectionate."


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Jeanne Tripplehorn talks about Jennifer Aniston

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Jeanne Tripplehorn talks about Jennifer Aniston. She said, "What is great about Jen is that she’s consistent, she brought that same energy and sparkle, and that love of life that she brings to everything. She was really at home and really comfortable not being in front of the camera, I really envy her for that. She was very specific, and nurturing and gentle. All the qualities we love about her, she had as a director."


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Jennifer Aniston and beau Justin wear fedora hats

Jennifer Aniston and beau Justin were spotted wearing matching fedora hats at an office building in New York City on Monday.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jennifer Aniston no more think of Brad Pitt

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According to Zach Galifianakis, Jennifer Aniston is no more think of her ex husband Brad.

He waid, "I had found this guy [in our hotel] who looked exactly like Brad Pitt. I wanted to use that in some way. I said, 'Jennifer, I have this guy who looks like Brad Pitt. I want to make it seem like I think it's him.'"

"She looked at me like, 'What the f--k?'" an embarrassed Galifianakis admitted. "And I totally agreed with her. How rude of me to do that! Why would she want to talk about that? She get inundated with that sh-t all the time. I totally understood."


Friday, October 7, 2011

Jennifer Aniston changed Justin Theroux

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Jennifer Aniston changed Justin Theroux's outlook.

Justin was having a beard before he met Jennifer Aniston and later on, Jennifer Aniston suggested him to shave his beard.

One source said, "Jen has totally made Justin over. She fell for Justin right away but felt he needed some fixing up. She hated the beard!"

"His look is more evolved. He's still dark and alternative but far more refined."


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jennifer Aniston threw a chair at a director

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You will never expect this from Jennifer Aniston. She threw a chair at a director.

She tells the Elle magazine, "I threw a chair at a director. It wasn't my proudest moment. He was treating a script supervisor horribly... When the director walked in, I threw a chair at him. I missed, of course. I was like, 'You can't speak to people like that.' I can't tolerate it."


Jennifer Aniston wants her "Friends" co-stars to work out with her

Jennifer Aniston wants her "Friends" co-stars to work out with her. Jennifer maintains her svelte body by adopting Pvolve program...