Friday, May 31, 2024

Jennifer Aniston revealed that Nicole Kidman gave her morale support while filming 'Just Go With It'

Jennifer Aniston revealed that Nicole Kidman gave her morale support while filming 'Just Go With It'.

Jennifer tells during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, "Not even having to do with the work, but just life".

"When we did that movie in Hawaii, you helped me out on a lot of hard things that I was going through. Just to have that community, it’s very helpful."

Just Go For It was shown in 2011. 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Jennifer Aniston thinks that she is not good in audition

Jennifer Aniston thinks that she is not good in audition. 

During a talk with Hollywood Reporter, a discussion was raised, "Anne Hathaway said something recently that surprised and disturbed me. “Back in the 2000s,” she said, “it was considered normal to ask an actor to make out with other actors to test for chemistry. … I was told, ‘We have 10 guys coming today and you’re cast. Aren’t you excited to make out with all of them?’ ” She wasn’t excited, of course. But who here can relate, and what were your versions of it?".

There were seven ladies there, including Anna Sawai, Naomi Watts, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, Jodie Foster, Brie Larson and Sofía Vergara.

Aniston's answers to this question. "when you’re in an audition room, you’re already at a disadvantage. Maybe you’d have chemistry with this person if you were in a different environment and not, like, 'Create chemistry. Ready? Go!' And I’m a terrible auditioner, always was". 

"I waitressed forever before I could finally get something, which was a Bob’s Big Boy commercial. So, if you’re a nervous auditioner to begin with, to then say, 'Now let’s have you make out with a complete stranger, it’s very uncomfortable'".

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Jennifer Aniston was the voice behind character Sarah Gardner in Storks

 Jennifer Aniston was the voice behind character Sarah Gardner in Storks (2016).

The movie was about storks. They used to deliver babies but after that, they deliver packages for

One of the stork accidently activates the Baby Making Machine. As a result, a baby girl was produced. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Jennifer Aniston limits her screen time

 Jennifer Aniston limits her screen time when it comes to mental health. 

She tells, "Stay out of the news as much as you can. Keep screen time limited. It works for me, at least. And am I out of the loop on certain things? I am". 

"But if there's something I have to know, someone will tell me. I just know that right now, I don't think that we as human beings are designed to take in as much information as often as we do now. I mean, I can't imagine being a teenager in this day and age, or being the parent of a teenager in this day and age".

Monday, May 27, 2024

Jennifer Aniston adopted an animated dog named Clydeo

Jennifer Aniston adopted an animated dog named Clydeo (2021). Clydeo is not a typical dog, he can cook and is a food blogger.

He is not the regular dog who likes going for walks. He hates it.

Aniston said about Clydeo, “It was so much fun bringing my newest family member, Clydeo, to life. Developing an animated character and coming up with the storyline is a first for me, but I am excited for everyone to meet him".

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Jennifer Aniston and other Friends's co-stars are trying to figure out Matthew Perry's ketamine dealer

Jennifer Aniston and other Friends's co-stars are trying to figure out Matthew Perry's ketamine dealer that killed him.

They are trying to find out people they might have seen with Matthew.

Source said, "Like the rest of the cast, Jen and Courteney have said they’ll do anything they can to help the task force find who was supplying him with such dangerous quantities of a potentially lethal drug." The source also added that Matthew's Friends co-stars are worried the investigation could be like "looking for a needle in a haystack".

According to TMZ report, the Drug Enforcement Administration and USPS' federal investigatory authorities are also involved in the investigation by offering services like package tracking and other mails.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Jennifer Aniston loves to go to the beach and drink margarita

Jennifer Aniston loves to go to the beach. She told Marie Claire that she loves anywhere with beautiful sand, a gorgeous, clean ocean, and a margarita. 

She also told that there is one favourite place, "I always love Mexico because it's right there for me. Also the Caribbean if we're going to dream big, with that white, beautiful water where you can see all the way down to the bottom—because I also don't like surprises in the ocean".

Aniston is often spotted in Mexico with her close friends Jimmy Kimmel and Jason Bateman with their wives.

Jennifer Aniston almost didn't get into the Emmys 2024

Jennifer Aniston almost didn't get into the Emmys 2024 because her ticket couldn't be scan through security for two minutes. Onlook...