Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Jennifer Aniston's role in Leprechaun was originally offered to Kristy Swanson

Jennifer Aniston's role in Leprechaun was originally offered to Kristy Swanson.


Leprechaun writer and director Mark Jones explained, “We originally offered the part to Kristy Swanson because she was a name. She had just starred in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie. But for whatever reason, she turned it down.”

The studio was also initially hesitant to hire Aniston because, as crazy as it sounds, they didn’t like her hair and wanted a blonde for the role of Tory. Eventually, a compromise was struck.

Jones called Aniston, “The good news is you have the part. The bad news is they want you to bleach your hair blonde.” She was initially hesitant to sign on, but Jones had a plan.

“I told her I didn’t want her to bleach her hair. The executives would be working on other movies. So she could just turn up on the first day like normal. No one was going to say anything about her hair not being blonde. They probably wouldn’t remember, and that’s what happened."

Jones was impressed, saying, “She was a natural. I was impressed because she took it seriously; it was a big deal to her, but at the same time knew what the movie was.”


Monday, February 20, 2023

Paul Rudd once accidentally rolled over Jennifer Aniston's foot with a Segway

Paul Rudd once accidentally rolled over Jennifer Aniston's foot with a Segway.


In the past, he acted as Phoebe Buffay's boyfriend on Friends. At that time, Jennifer had broken her toe and was using a Segway to get around the set.

He told this during Graham Norton Show, "I was on the set for my first episode and Jennifer was on a Segway because she had broken her toe, and everyone was marvelling at it".

"Matt LeBlanc asked to have a go and immediately knew how to do it. I then asked to try it too. I spun round and rolled it right over Jennifer's foot!

"The producers look of panic was if to say, 'Is it too late to fire him? Has his character been established yet?' I felt awful. Such an inauspicious start."


Sunday, February 19, 2023

Jennifer Aniston wants to win an Oscar badly

Jennifer Aniston wants to win an Oscar badly. She plans to take heavy role to earn an Oscar nomination.

Currently she is earning $10 million for Murder Mystery 2" and $1.25 million per episode for Apple Tv show "The Morning Show".

According to sources to Radar Online, she is playing "hardball" to get that role to be nominated for an academy award.

She has received some comments about toning down her intentions as she has been seen as "constantly complains about not getting offered these prestigious Oscar-type roles," and "She needs a reality check."

According to one source, Jennifer Aniston wants more, and she "acts like she wants a huge reward without any risk. You can't have it both ways unless you make concessions".


Thursday, February 16, 2023

Meghan Markle talks bad about Jennifer Aniston after being cut off from Horrible Bosses

Meghan Markle talks bad about Jennifer Aniston after being cut off from Horrible Bosses.


Megan played Jamie, a FedEx delivery woman where in the scene, she was seen talking to Jason Sudeikis' Kurt.

A source tells New Idea, “When Meghan was cast in Horrible Bosses, she had all these visions of Jen seeing how amazing she was and becoming good friends".

“That didn’t even come close to happening – Jen barely even noticed she was there, and Meghan was devastated to find out her part had been cut to a mere 30 seconds.”

Meghan was unhappy and bad mouthed Aniston and claimed that she was "just as good."

The source added, "Most people thought it was just sour grapes".


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Jennifer Aniston and Harry Styles may start dating soon

Jennifer Aniston and Harry Styles may start dating soon. After Harry's wardrobe malfunction during recent concert, Aniston and Harry have been exchanging “flirty” messages.


A source revealed to Closer Magazine, “Jen had been joking with pals about who she could get together with next and there has been talk about Harry".

“He ticks all the boxes – he’s successful, intellectual, edgy and cooler than almost anyone else out there. He’s totally in her league".

“Plus, of course, he’s clearly into older women and has admitted he had a crush on her growing up, so she’s confident this has a lot more chance of working out than some of her other recent matches.”

“Harry’s got a great sense of humour and is totally chilled, they’re a great match on paper. After the trousers incident, she got in touch, and it’s been quite flirty!”

“They have a bunch of mutual business pals and already had each other’s numbers, so after Harry split his pants on stage, Jen used that opportunity to get in touch with him.”

“They’ve struck up a regular back and forth. Friends feel it’s only a matter of time before they meet up for a date, Jen is keen and Harry seems game.”

“But he’s super busy with tour dates and other work. At the moment it’s a watch-this-space situation – but it’s looking good and Jen’s super excited at what the future holds.”


Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Jennifer Aniston posted throwback photo of herself and late parents John Aniston and Nancy Dow on her birthday

Jennifer Aniston posted throwback photo of herself and late parents on her birthday. She turned 54 years old on 11 February.


She wrote, "Thinking about these two humans that created me as I bask in the afterglow of a beautiful birthday🎈Thank you ALL for my beautiful birthday wishes. I felt sooooo much love from so many and ALL of it is going to carry me through this wild and beautifully unknown year ahead. I love you! ❤️🌸😘🙏🏼♒️".


Jennifer Aniston and other cast members had a crush on this actor

 Jennifer Aniston and other "The Morning Show" cast members had a crush on this actor. Aniston was asked by guest co-host Vanessa...