Saturday, January 24, 2009

View video clip about Jennifer Aniston's new movie He's Just Not That Into You

Access Hollywood talks about Jennifer Aniston's new movie "He's Just Not That Into You". This movie also has Ben Affleck, Scarlett Johansson and Drew Barrymore.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Jennifer Aniston feels she is lucky in love

Jennifer learn from her old relathionships.

Jen tells More! magazine, "I've been very lucky in love overall. I think you learn from each experience.

"I still feel I have a lot of room to grow and mature but I'm happy with where I am now and I feel very hopeful. I'm definitely an optimist.

"I like to be positive. I think there's always an answer to everything and that you can always figure things out and find your way through good and bad times."


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jennifer Aniston will celebrate her birthday two times

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston will celebrate her birthday with her pals on February 7, which is ealier few days before her birthday but will celebrate with her boyfriend John Mayer on her actual birthday, which falls on February 11.

They have plan a romantic trip together until Valentine’s Day.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jennifer Aniston is good in giving relationship advice

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Besides acting, Jennifer Aniston claims that she is good in giving advice about relationship. Well, this is hard to believe from somebody who divorce before. But then, maybe because she had that experience before, thus, she can give better advice. People learned from experience.

She said: "I feel I have an ability to understand relationships and see things clearly. I've always tried to be supportive to the people who are close to me and I like to think that I give good advice. I think I'd have made a good therapist if I hadn't become an actress."


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Paparazzi save Jennifer Aniston's dog

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston's dog has been rescued by a paparazzi. Her dog was running dangerously on the busy road. Well, looks like paparazzi can be a hero too.

A video that is displayed on pertains a paparazzi bringing the dog back to Aniston's home. Lucky nothing happened when the dog was wandering on the busy road.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Jennifer Aniston seldom let John Mayer stay overnight at her house

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston is unsure how serious is John in their relationship. John was famous for his playboy acts. One source tells National Enquirer "She made it clear to him over the holidays that it’s all or nothing when it comes to their relationship. Deep down, Jen worries that with John it’s 'once a player, always a player'."

The source adds, "This is her way of breaking him of his womanizing ways.

"Jen rarely lets John sleep over at her Hollywood Hills home, and she never allows him to spend the night at her new mansion."


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jennifer Aniston wanted to open a restaurant

Jennifer Aniston wanted to have her own restaurant. This wish was before she become famous in Friends.

She revealed: “I always thought it would be fun to own a restaurant. My family is Greek, and many of them own restaurants and coffee shops.

Then she adds “I make a mean baklava with my grandmother’s recipe so I thought that could have worked out for me.”


Jennifer Aniston will help Selena Gomez to plan her wedding

Jennifer Aniston will help Selena Gomez to plan her wedding. Selena is engaged to Benny Blanco.  A source tells,  "Jennifer treats Sel...