Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ed Sheeran got drunk at Jennifer Aniston's party

Ed Sheeran got very drunk when he was at Jennifer Aniston's Thanksgiving party last month.

He revealed to Yahoo's omg!: ''I wasn't allowed to talk about this, actually, but it's just gone public so... My housemate [Johnny], who I have lived with for a year, I introduced him to Courteney and they started dating - now they're crazy about each other.'

'I ended up spending a lot of time living in her beach house and therefore bumping into all these random people. We spent Thanksgiving eve at Jennifer's before spending the day at Courteney's.'

He continue,'I passed out... she has this crazy house with a big staircase that goes down to the pool. I had drunk a bit too much and needed a time out, so I went down and laid on one of the beds outside by the pool and passed out there.'

'Courteney's was a bit more tame.'


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