Sunday, November 30, 2008

Jennifer Aniston is not good in using the net

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

She maybe a very talented actress but her usage in the net is limited. She is suprised to see on younger people's skills in using the computer.

She says, "I'm really computer illiterate... When I see people on their BlackBerrys, working them like some girls work a hairdryer, I'm just stunned. People have sent me clips from or YouTube, but I never seek it out. I don't want to sound like a complete innocent - I've looked at things, of course."

Then she added, "It's not for me. I'd be opening myself up too much. I don't want to sound like a complete innocent - I've looked at things, of course. But it's such spewing. If I look at it, I'll be affected. It's like dancing with the devil".


Saturday, November 29, 2008

John Mayer using Jennifer Aniston for publicity?

John Mayer picture
John Mayer

Is John Mayer dating Jennifer Aniston to get attention from the public? He so desperate. Well, if he naked in public, I am sure he will get all the attention he needs. LOL.

A source tells Star, “He’s even gone so far as to set up a Google alert, so when his name appears in a new article on the search engine, he gets notified on his Blackberry.”

What Jennifer Aniston think about this matter?
The source adds that she thinks he is, “too obsessed with fame, but she’s so in love that she’s willing to excuse anything.”


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jennifer Aniston didn't accept John Mayer's wedding proposal

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

According to reports, Jennifer Aniston didn't accept John Mayer’s marriage proposal. The reason behind was because she doesn’t want to damage their relationship.

A source said: “Jennifer said no when John asked her. She told John that
everything is so perfect between them right now, they shouldn’t ruin the
focus of their relationship.

“A wedding would be so stressful and Jennifer just wants to enjoy this
phase, falling madly in love and getting a thrill if the other one texts
when they are apart.”

The source added to Look magazine: “John told Jennifer she is the girl for
him and he is sure of it. He is willing to do anything she wants as long as
they are together. He is like a different guy.

“John was over the moon when Jennifer took him back last month and he never
wants them to be apart again. He really wants to settle down with her. He
wants children, marriage - the whole thing at some point.”

Looks like Jennifer found a good man. At first, I did't know how serious is John when it comes to love. Well, I guess his romeo days are over. And he found his princess.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Barack Obama name Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston to key Cabinet positions

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

President-elect Barack Obama would name Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston to key Cabinet positions.

Barack said "I chose Jennifer and Angelina for the same reason I have chosen every other Cabinet member: they clearly despise each other with a passion."


Monday, November 24, 2008

Jennifer Aniston is ideal date for Thanksgiving

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston, and has compile a list of ideal date for thankgiving from a new survey of thousands of singles nationwide. For men category, first place went to George Clooney whereas for women category, first place went to Jennifer Aniston.

Below are the results:

George Clooney 31%
Prince William 18%
Tom Brady 13%
Jake Gyllenhaal 12%
President Elect Obama 10% Halle Berry 7%
David Archuleta 8% Mary Louise Parker 5%
Brad Pitt 3% Kiera Knightly 4%
Adrian Grenier 3% Natalie Portman 4%
P. Diddy 2% Madonna 1%

Jennifer Aniston 35%
Reese Witherspoon 23%
Anne Hathaway 12%
Jessica Biel 9%
Halle Berry 7%
Mary Louise Parker 5%
Kiera Knightly 4%
Natalie Portman 4%
Madonna 1%


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jennifer Aniston is curremtly into Wii

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Looks like Jennifer Aniston has a new hobby, which is Wii. Well, at least she knows how to spend her time relaxing.

“It’s not for me. I’d be opening myself up too much. I don’t want to sound like a complete innocent - I’ve looked at things, of course. But it’s such spewing. If I look at it, I’ll be affected. It’s like dancing with the devil. But I have spent hours on, looking at furniture. And I like to play Scrabble. And poker. I discovered Wii this weekend. I’m a late bloomer".


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jennifer Aniston hates fans that sell her photos

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Many celebrities love the spotlight, they enjoyed their photos taken, whether paparazzi or fans. But for Jennifer Aniston, she feels annoyed when fans take photos of her for different intention, which is for selling.

She talks about fans that use camera phones: “People sometimes pretend that they’re on the phone, and they kind of dial and take the picture at the same time.

“You hope they’re doing it for themselves, that they’re not thinking, ‘I’m going to dine out on you’.”


Friday, November 21, 2008

John Mayer met Jennifer Aniston's dad!

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Seems that Jennifer Aniston's relationship with John Mayer is getting serious. So serious that John Mayer met her dad on Wednesday night. According to Star, they met at the Polo Lounge in the Beverly Hills Hotel.

One source said "Jen's dad seemed very impressed with John and the two got on real well".

"They couldn't keep their hands off each other. Jen was constantly rubbing his hair and John was rubbing her back, then every so often they would steal a kiss. They both looked very happy and very much in love".

Well, I am glad that John finally appreciate Jennifer Aniston. When they were dating lasttime, he didn't take the relationship seriously. He was always spotted together with other girls behind Jennifer's back.



Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jennifer Aniston loves watching herself in Friends

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

It may sound funny but Jennifer Aniston loves to watch herself in in the reruns of Friends.

She said this in the upcoming New York Times Magazine “There are times I don’t even remember that particular show. This is horrible to say, but there are times when I laugh my rear end off. And I get in debates with people who are over and say, ‘ “Friends” is not my thing.’ Excuse you!”

I know many actors and actresses don't even want to watch the movies/shows they acted in. Bur Jennifer, she is one of its kind. Well, she does have a unique thing in so many things.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alec Baldwin had painful experience when makeout with Jennifer Aniston during 30 Rock

Alec Baldwin picture
Alec Baldwin

When quoted about what it is like to makeout with Jennifer Aniston on the set of 30 Rock, he replied "It was painful. I mean, every man who's had to make out with her in TV and movies — I don't know how they do it."


Monday, November 17, 2008

When John Mayer will propose to Jennifer Aniston?

John Mayer picture
John Mayer

John Mayer is currently dating with Jennifer Aniston. Will John make commitments in the end?

He told People magazine recently, "That girl knows me ... so whether I go to bed alone or not, to have somebody who knows you in this world, that's a really nice thing.

"It's really nice to have somebody in life have your back."


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer went for romantic dinner

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston was spotted having dinner with John Mayer in Manhattan hotspot La Esquina. They look so cozy together according to source.

After dinner, they went to GoldBar and dance until morning.

Looks like Jennifer is very happy. Hope John will treat her better and not treat this relationship lightly.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jennifer Aniston happy for Brad Pitt and his partner Angelina

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston is happy for her former husband Brad Pitt. She revealed in a taped interview with Oprah Winfrey, which was on Wednesday.

She said "He's done some amazing things in the last couple of years. So I just think he’s doing great."

Well, if she was another woman, i think that woman will be cursing her husband for having an affair with another woman. Women always say that they can forgive and forget but actually in their heart, they may able to forgive but can they forget actually? Women tend to remember bad things happened to them. I know since I am also woman. They are different than men. That's why Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

Audience member Julie Grushoff told "Jen said she is very happy for Brad and Angelina. She said she is over the relationship and feels like it happened 100 years ago."


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jennifer Aniston is not fond of ‘Sex and the City’ movie

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Many people enjoyed watching movie, “Sex and The City” but this does not include Jennifer Aniston.

In the latest issue for Vogue magazine, Jennifer Aniston talks about her upcoming film, “He’s Just Not That Into You.” She said “I liked my story line, but. . . . ” “I don’t know. I don’t . . . like . . . girls . . . whining . . . and complaining . . . about . . . wanting a man! I never liked ‘Sex and the City,’ the kind of thing where women only feel empowered once they find the Man. It is just not up my alley. I don’t believe in it. There is nothing you can control about love.”

Well, I am not surprise that she said that since that her ex husband Brad was snatched by Angelina.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Jennifer Aniston comments about Angelina Jolie, who stole her ex husband

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston finally breaks her silence regarding about Angelina Jolie, who stole Brad Pitt from her in the coming issue for U.S. Vogue.

In that issue, she said: 'What Angelina did was very uncool'.

Angelina Jolie finally admit that she and Brad fell in love during the set Mr and Mrs Smith in 2004. Previously, she claimed that their relationship only started after the movie.

If you want to find a husband, better not to get an actor, especially if he is good looking. There will be girls busy chasing him, either his co-stars or fans.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Courtney Cox throw party to celebrate Barack Obama's victory

Courtney Cox throw a party to celebrate Barack Obama's victory. Some of the guests was her best friend Jennifer Aniston, Isla Fisher and her boyfriend Sacha Baron Cohen.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jennifer Aniston at The Ivy restaurant

Jennifer Aniston was at The Ivy restaurant on Robertson Blvd. in West Hollywood to have her lunch on Friday afternoon but to her surprise, she was surrounded by paparazzi as she enters the restaurant .

Well, when you are a celebrity, you are always surrounded by paparazzi. That shows how famous you are. You will need start to worry if there isn't a single paparazzi to take your photo. Think twice for those who wants to be a celebrity. You won't be alone where ever you go.


Image source from Faded Youth Blog

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jennifer Aniston wants to have twins

Jennifer Aniston wants to be pregnant with twins. Why twins? Because Angelina Jolie has twins babies? According to Star Magazine:

[Jen's] doing everything she can to conceive before her 40th birthday in February. She and John are doing a lot of yoga together, and Jen makes sure to do specific poses to help her get pregnant. She’s taking a lot of folic acid and has upped her intake of milk and beef — all of which are supposed to increase your chances of having twins. She’s even eating cassava root, because women in Africa who consume it have the highest rate of conceived twins.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jennifer Aniston still hates dog despite "Marley & Me"

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston still hates dog despite Owen Wilson's "Marley & Me" movie which relates to dogs.

She said, “I was like ‘Uck, a dog movie?’”. But beggars can’t be choosers. Er, I mean, Aniston quickly changed her mind once she read the script. “It’s so much more than a dog movie, it’s this beautiful portrait of a marriage and this 15-year span between these two people and this sweet little unconditionally loving creature that sort of walks through it with them.” And it pays real money!

On the set, the dog make her irritated. “I walked onto the set and put my sweater and my bag down on the couch, and that dog leapt up onto the couch, grabbed my sweater and started ripping it. The trainers responded immediately, but not as she expected. “They said, ‘good, good boy!’ and gave him treats.” No wonder Clyde came to work every day with a big smile. “The set was a toy.”


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Jennifer Aniston talks about working together with Owen Wilson

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston talks about working together with Owen Wilson on his first film 'Marley and Me' ever since his suicide attempt.

She said "I've never seen him play a part like this. He was a man; he was a husband; he was a father. And I feel like, how brave of him, to walk through the year that he walked through".

"[Owen] has no temper, no ego, he's collaborative and funny and sweet," Aniston says.


Monday, November 3, 2008

John Mayer takes Jennifer Aniston to LaMontagne concert

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

John Mayer took Jennifer Aniston to Ray LaMontagne concert at The Wiltern on Thursday (30th October 2008). He enjoys the concert very much. He wrote in the blog of his love for his music.

According to source for E!Online "After the lights went down, they walked to their seats."

The source added "They were hugging, but there wasn't any kissing".


Sunday, November 2, 2008

John Mayer agreed to shut up about Jennifer Aniston when to reporters

John Mayer picture
John Mayer

John Mayer agreed to keep mum about Jennifer Aniston when it comes to reporters. This one of the rules set to go back to her.

A pal tells Ok! ‘There are to be no more street corner press conferences and no blogging about her. She was horrified when he talked about their split.’


Jennifer Aniston gave advice to Reese Witherspoon when Reese was feeling nervous before filming "Friends"

During an appearance on Late Night with Seth Myers, Reese Witherspoon shared that she was feeling very nervous before filming "Friends...