Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jennifer Aniston denies spending $8,000 a month for beauty

According to reports, Jennifer Aniston spend $8,000-a-month for her beauty regimen but she laugh when she found out about this.

She said, “Although I am a sucker for an amazing moisturizer, love a great facial, have been using the same cleansing bar since I was a teenager and have always been a dedicated tooth-brusher, reports that I am spending eight thousand a month on a beauty regime are greatly exaggerated."

So what’s the true total? “By my tally,” she shares, “this month I’m in for about two hundred bucks.”


Monday, March 19, 2012

Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux spotted hunting for luxury furniture

Jennifer Aniston and her beau Justin Theroux were spotted shopping for furniture at The Melrose Project furniture store in West Hollywood California.

This store sells luxury furniture and it is definitely cost pricey.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jennifer Aniston's new puppy bite her shoes

Jennifer Aniston's new puppy, pit bull mix Sophie bite her three pairs of her shoes.

A source told National Enquirer, "Sophie has been raiding Jen's closets for her Jimmy Choos and is entertained for hours by them. But by the time the pooch is finished with the footwear, it's completely unrecognisable."

"So far, Sophie has gnawed her way through three pairs of Jimmy Choo shoes, which Jen estimates cost around $3,000."


Friday, March 16, 2012

Jennifer Aniston has baby bump. Is she pregnant?

Jennifer Aniston was spotted with a baby bump as she leaves the Greenwich Hotel in NYC on March 10.

According to source, she didn't drink alcohol during Oscar festivities.

One source said, “Industry people in Hollywood kept talking about how she looked pregnant."

“I saw Jen Oscar week, and she couldn’t stop smiling. She was actually less lean and less muscular than I had expected her to be — her body looked softer. In the dress she wore, it really did look like she had a baby bump!”


Jennifer Aniston spends $141, 037 a year for her beauty

Jennifer Aniston looks young for her age but she spend lots of money to maintain her youth. She spends $141, 037 a year for that.

Some of her treatments including using a $450 neck ointment by Euoko, and Mila Moursi Rejuvenating Serum which costs $350.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Jennifer Aniston plans to get married by end of the year

Jennifer Aniston plans to get married by end of the year. She is currently happy dating with her beau, Justin.

Jennifer Aniston said, 'I'll be married by the end of the year. We're constantly laughing. Now we've got our new baby things are getting serious. We have new responsibilities.'

'She's like a test run for kids, I guess ... although hopefully kids are easier to house-train.'

'Justin and I argue over who takes the dog out and who disciplines her, but that's about it. Things are fabulous. I'm happy.'

'If he's not got down on one knee, or we're mot married, by the end of the year, it's over!'


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Jennifer Aniston grew fond of reading about chickens

Jennifer Aniston has interests of reading about chickens.

She said, “They’re very social animals, and they like it when you visit them with a cup of coffee in your hand. And according to my groundskeeper, they love pasta."

Are we talking chicken or not here? I thought chicken likes to eat corn? But pasta??


Friends will set up dates for Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock for the festive dates

Friends will set up dates for Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock for the festive dates.  Source tells, "After all the heartache and g...