Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jennifer Aniston thinks that gossips are getting creative

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In Jennifer Aniston's opinion about gossips, she perceive it as getting more creative.

She said “Oh my God, they are getting so creative and desperate now. It’s really kind of interesting. It doesn’t bug me if people don’t believe it. That’s all.

“I just would hate it if people actually believed any of it. That’s what I would be disappointed with because I don’t want crap like that to distract from what I do, my work.”

Well, creative gossips do sell. The same old gossips will not attract readers.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jennifer Aniston step in right foot whenever go in plane

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Whenever Jennifer Aniston step in the plane, she has a little ritual. She will step in with her right foot first.

She said “If I walk on to an airplane, I always have to go on with my right foot first and tap the outside of the plane.I have always done it. For luck. Someone told me to do it and I don’t remember when that was. But it’s kinda stuck.”


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Is Jennifer Aniston pregnant?

Jennifer Aniston has a small tummy and Ok!magazine already saying she is pregnant. Well, because everyone knows that she has a great body and she has a nice flat stomach. Well, you can't blame them when they see a bump.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Jennifer Aniston is dating with film producer Scott Stuber

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There were rumors circulating saying she was dating wih Butler but now according to the latest reports, she is dating with producer Scott Stuber.

One source said “Jen is into Scott in a big way, and she’s distancing herself from Gerard."

“Jen began stressing out over Gerard’s history as a womanizer, and then she began hearing crazy rumors about his sexuality. In the end, she figured Gerard was just too much drama.

“Jen and Scott have known each other for years. They have a great working relationship and now that’s blossoming into romance.

“Scott has been a steady friend and confidante to Jen for years — and now the timing is finally right for more.”


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jennifer Aniston cried when a scene reminded her of Brad Pitt

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Jennifer Aniston cried in her trailer when she was on the set "The Bounty" because a scene " reminded her of former husband Brad Pitt according to source.

The source tells Page Six that when an assistant went to see Aniston, she was crying, and said, "I need a moment. This scene reminds me of Brad and me."


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jennifer Aniston went to Britney Spears' El Paso concert

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According to spies, Jennifer Aniston is currently in Texas because she is a fan of Britney Spears and she went to Britney Spears' El Paso concert at the Don Haskins Center on Monday night.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Danielle Staub offered to give Jennifer Aniston a tour to New Jersey

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Real Housewives Of New Jersey star Danielle Staub has offered Jennifer Aniston to tour around New Jersey after Jennifer comments about the state's smells.

Staub said told US weekly: "Why don't you see more of New Jersey before you say it smells?

"I would love to hang out with her. I hear she is really fabulous - but she really shouldn't say that.

"If you land in Newark and leave out of Newark, yeah, you will think NJ smells. But you can't judge it by one part. If it was so bad, I wouldn't be living here for 22 years."

Staub added: "I will personalise a tour and take her to a fabulous lunch on me afterwards. All homemade Italian food, and a tour of all the wonderfully-smelling places in New Jersey before I take you to a luncheon, my treat."


Monday, September 21, 2009

Jennifer Aniston was a guest in Ellen show

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In Ellen DeGeneres show, Jennifer Aniston was a guest few days ago. She was there to promote her new film, Love Happens.

In that show, Ellen question about her love life. Everyone seems to interested in her love life. When she was dating with John Mayer, every paparazzi seem to swarm around her. Anyway, I always think John is not a suitable candidate for her.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

How Jennifer Aniston keeps fit

Jennifer Aniston wakes up at 5 am every morning and run laps around New Jersey’s Monmouth Park racecourse.

One insider said “She showed up every morning at 5am to run laps on the giant oval for a solid hour before cameras rolled."

“She’s really disciplined about keeping fit. She’d get there before everyone else and zip around that huge track like a winner!”


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jennifer Aniston may want to open Mexican restaurant

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There have been rumors saying that Jennifer Aniston may want to open a restaurant. Well, in talk show host Conan O'Brien, she confirmed she wants to be a restaurateur.

She said "I've always wanted to open a restaurant. My dad had a restaurant in New York City, called The Fives, in the days of yore. And that always was fun . . . New York needs a great Mexican restaurant . . . I love Mexican food! And usually, a really great night is had in a Mexican restaurant, no?"


Friday, September 18, 2009

Jennifer Aniston mayb consider artificial insemination

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Jennifer Aniston maybe consider artificial insemination. In her next movie The Baster, she will be acting as unmarried woman who plans to use insemination method to have children.

When quoted by Entertainment Tonight whether she will do the same thing,she replied, "I'm ready for anything. Bring it on. I wouldn't rule anything out."


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jennifer Aniston does not care about her physical appearance

I can't believe these words coming from Jennifer Aniston, who paid thousands of money on her hair, body. And she said she doesn't pay any attention to her appearance???? Funny she may say that.

She said: "I don't think a lot about my physical appearance. It is what it is and I can't control it. I pay attention to the extent that I put on clothes today, I decided which shoes to wear with them and I even combed my hair! But apart from that, I just feel I am what I am."


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jennifer Aniston gets dirty when fight with her boyfriends

When fight with her boyfriends, Jennifer Aniston can "get dirty". But what she means by getitng dirty?

She told "I'm not a fighter, I'm a discusser. I could probably use more fight in me. I don't yell. I talk. I can get dirty. I've been guilty of dirty fighting. But usually I don't like to fight. I like it to be harmonious and fun. So the quicker we can discuss an issue and get through it, the sooner we get back to the fun."


Monday, September 14, 2009

Jennifer Aniston's father didn't want her to be an actress

Jennifer Aniston's father who was an actor, didn't encourage her to be an actress.

She said: "My dad did not want me to do this at all. It wasn't that he didn't think I could, but he just thought that it was such an iffy thing."


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jennifer Aniston and friends went to Dave Matthews Band concert

Jennifer Aniston had her great time with her group of friends at the Dave Matthews Band concert which was held at the Greek Theater in LA on Thursday night.

At the concert, they were spotted dancing and drinking beers. When the concert ends,
they went to the backstage to have a talk with the band.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jennifer Aniston is taking a time off from acting

Jennifer Aniston wants to stop acting for a while after the completion of "The Bounty".

She tells Fox News "I'm going to go on an adventure, take myself somewhere. I won't start another job until at least January. I want to take time off."


Friday, September 11, 2009

Jennifer Aniston hates guys wear baggy underwear

Jennifer Aniston turned on when men wear "tighty-whities". She turned off when guys wear loose underwear.

She said: "I like tighty-whities on a man. Not boxers. I don't like boxers. Boxer briefs."

Well, I think its good for guys to wear tight briefs. Not healthy for them. LOL.


Kathy Griffin wants to be Jennifer Aniston

Kathy Griffin is obsessed with Jennifer Aniston. She said this: “Look, I am always going to want to be Jennifer Aniston, maybe more than Jennifer Aniston wants to be Jennifer Aniston.”

Well, I think many people would like to be Jennifer. She is beautiful, great body and great personality.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Jennifer Aniston meets up with John Mayer for intimate sessions

Now Magazine claims Jen reunites her former beau John Mayer for intimate sessions at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York.

One source said “John flew to New York in the middle of August for 48 hours to spend time with Jen while she was filming. He managed to give the paparazzi the slip and the couple spent time talking. John left convinced it’d be worth giving things one more shot.”

The insider adds, “Of course, talking wasn’t all they did; their relationship’s always been based on great sex. Jen says she hasn’t met a guy who’s had this effect on her before – John’s the best lover she’s had. That’s why she’s glad to go back.”


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jennifer Aniston gives advice about love

Jennifer Aniston picture
Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston gives advice about love and explain how relationship works. Well, sometimes to give advice is easier than practice it. Not many people would like to compromise. Sometimes one partner prefer to receive than give.

She said: “Why does the romance leave relationships? I think it’s laziness. I really do. I think a good relationship is about collaboration. That’s the way to go in a relationship.”

She also advice: “I think you just need to talk to each other. Say what you want. That way it’s not threatening. You just need to say, ‘This is important to me.’ Don’t expect your mate to read your mind.”


Renee Zellweger indirectly comments on Jennifer Aniston

Renee Zellweger make a comment that indirectly refers to her boyfriend Bradley Cooper’s former date Jennifer Aniston by saying she doesn’t need “fabulous” hair to boost her career.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jennifer Aniston no more contact Brad Pitt

Jennifer Aniston no more keep in touch with her former husband Brad Pitt. She knows Brad will stay on with Angelina Jolie and won't return back to her.

A source told American tabloid the National Enquirer “Jen is absolutely done with Brad; she has no intention of staying in touch with him anymore and is looking forward to starting a brand new chapter in her life."

“The ongoing communication she had with Brad was getting in the way of her ability to lead a normal life."

“He was leading Jen along and using her as a shoulder to cry on, but playing with her head every step of the way. Jen now realizes that for all the promises and small talk, Brad had no real intention of leaving Angie."

“She feels strung along and pretty burned by the whole experience.”

“As far a Jen’s concerned, Angelina is welcome to Brad and all his issues,” the source added. “She’s seen how out-of-control he’s been at film premieres and parties recently, and that’s the last thing she wants in her life on a daily basis."

“As much as she loves Brad and always will, Jen wants to be free from all the drama and dysfunction — once and for all!”


Gerard Butler gave Jennifer Aniston a gift on first day set of "The Bounty"

Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler know each other before they act together in the movie ‘The Bounty’. They were introduced by friends few years ago.

A source said: “Jennifer and Gerard already knew each other quite well after meeting several years ago through friends in Hollywood. On the first day of making ‘The Bounty’, Gerard had remembered that Jennifer had once told him she collected chicken memorabilia for her kitchen, so he bought her a ceramic rooster and gave it to her on set - she loved it!”


Friday, September 4, 2009

Fresh clip of "Love Happens" released starring Jennifer Aniston

Universal Pictures has released a fresh clip from "Love Happens". The clip shows a scene between Jennifer Aniston and Aaron Eckhart where she pretends to be deaf to deter from talking to Eckhart.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Did Jennifer Aniston had boob jab?

Jennifer Aniston was spotted a curvier figure. Did she went for boob jab? This boob jab can boost her bra measurements by a whole cup size.

Their source said: "I believe Jen's had Macrolane injections. She looks like she's gone up at least a whole cup size. She feels super confident at the moment."


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jennifer Aniston still wears watch given by John Mayer

Even though Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer have already split but she still wears the gold Rolex watch that was given by him.

Could it be that Jennifer still loves him? But in my opinion, John is not the suitable candidate for her because he does not seem like those guy that is serious in love, unlike Jennifer.

A source said: “John gave Jennifer the Rolex when they were at the height of their romance in May 2008. Jennifer hardly took the watch off, but when they split she stopped wearing it. In recent weeks she’s started wearing it again to show John he’s still in her thoughts.

“She’s even been sending him flirty texts and emails."


Jennifer Aniston gave advice to Reese Witherspoon when Reese was feeling nervous before filming "Friends"

During an appearance on Late Night with Seth Myers, Reese Witherspoon shared that she was feeling very nervous before filming "Friends...